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Fig. 7 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 7

From: Game of neutrophils: modeling the balance between apoptosis and necrosis

Fig. 7

Data Parameter Space (m, bApoptosis, cNecrosis). Each point in the plot corresponds to the combination of parameters that satisfies the data. This 3-dimensional parameter data space can be better visualized via an interactive plot, which we have uploaded to the following link: (4). The colors are chosen only to add visual depth to the plot, where purple to yellow corresponds to increasing values of m. With increasing ITM resolving strength of neutrophils, low range of values for costs of necrosis and benefits of apoptosis correspond to evolutionary stable percentages of neutrophil population. That is, with favorable intrinsic ITM resolving properties of neutrophils is compensated by lowering both costs of necrosis and benefits of apoptosis to maximize the overall fitness of the system

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