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Table 1 Main functions for a differential gene presence/absence analysis with deltaRpkm. Functions are listed in the chronological order of usage

From: deltaRpkm: an R package for a rapid detection of differential gene presence between related bacterial genomes

Function name




format the user metadata table

data frame of the design table


convert read counts to RPKM

data frame of RPKM values


compute pairwise δRPKM values (samples from group 1 ~ samples from group 2)

data frame of samples inter-group δRPKM values, per gene


compute 1) median δRPKM values of each gene, 2) global standard deviation of all medians and 3) selection of genes passing a given threshold

data frame with genes annotated as differentially present in reference group 1 versus comparison group 2


diagnostics plot to visualize the median δRPKM values of each gene and highlight the selected genes dsitribution

deltaRpkm_medians_plot.pdf file in the working directory


heatmap of the RPKM values of the selected set of genes

deltaRpkm_heatmap.tiff file in the working directory