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Fig. 5 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 5

From: NIMBus: a negative binomial regression based Integrative Method for mutation Burden Analysis

Fig. 5

a Number of overly mutated promoter regions in all cancer types; b Q–Q plots of P values for promoter regions; c total number of burdened regions in all noncoding annotations after merging P values from 7 cancer types. B_local: local Binomial Model, B_global: global Binomial Model, DRM: Distal Regulatory Module, DHS: DNase hypersensitivity site, TFBS: Transcription factor binding site, UTR: Untranslated region, Promoter: 2500 nucleotides (nt) upstream of the 1st nucleotide of GENCODE transcripts, TSS: Transcription Start Site. 100 nucleotides upstream of the 1st nucleotide of GENCODE transcripts, Ultraconserved region: region under positive cross-species selection in mammals, Ultrasensitive region: region with a greater than expected fraction of rare variants

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