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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: SPServer: split-statistical potentials for the analysis of protein structures and protein–protein interactions

Fig. 2

Comparison of the residue pair scores for the native and wrong decoy structures of cysteine synthase calculated with PROSA and SPServer. a Residue-residue contact maps are shown at the top, with green/blue, pink/red and brown/yellow colors identifying native contacts that have been lost when comparing the native structure and the wrong decoy, where native contacts are lost. b Local profile of the difference between the scores per residue of the native structure and the wrong decoy (in red are shown the scores of PAIR and in blue the scores of Pair potential of PROSA). The regions highlighted in the contact maps are also shown on the X-axis above the residue number, showing a coincidence between high scores and the regions where the wrong decoy differs from the native structure

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