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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: Speeding up the core algorithm for the dual calculation of minimal cut sets in large metabolic networks

Fig. 2

Comparison of computation times of the a FLB MILP and of the b NB MILP with either the stoichiometric matrix (“stoichmat desired”) or the kernel matrix (“kernel desired”) in the formulation of the desired system. The x-axis and y-axis in a refer to the MILPs in Eqs. (14) and (17), respectively, and in b to the MILP in Eqs. (16) and (18), respectively. Each dot represents one particular MCS enumeration scenario (product/organism/seed combination) for enumerating MCS for growth-coupled strain designs and the dot color marks the respective model (organism) in which the computation has been conducted: green iJM658; red: iMM904; black: iJO1366. The total number of comparable enumeration scenarios as well as the cumulative sum of the computation times over all scenarios for the MILP variants are given below the diagram. The percentage at the axes quantifies the relative frequency with which the respective MILP variant was faster than the other MILP variant

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