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Fig. 3 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 3

From: HapSolo: an optimization approach for removing secondary haplotigs during diploid genome assembly and scaffolding

Fig. 3

The cumulative assembly size (cdf) based on contigs. For Chardonnay (a) and mosquito (b), the five lines depict: an unreduced assembly (-HapSolo −HC), HapSolo applied with default parameter values and no hill climbing (+HapSolo −HC) using BLAT or minimap2 (+Hap Solo +MM2 −HC), HapSolo with random starting values and 50,000 iterations of hill climbing using BLAT (+HapSolo +HC) or minimap2 (+HapSolo +MM2 +HC). For thorny skate (c), three analyses were performed: an unreduced assembly (-HapSolo −HC) and Hapsolo analyses based on minimaps 2 pairwise alignment with and without hillclimbing

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