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Fig. 5 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 5

From: Modelling the effect of subcellular mutations on the migration of cells in the colorectal crypt

Fig. 5

Mutant cells remain in the crypt due to increased adhesion and proliferation. Top) Mutant height plotted at times t=0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50h after mutating cell. The simulations start with a mutant patch of radius 2, and initial centre height H0. The mutant height is given in cell diameters. Bottom) Snapshots of simulations with mutant cells at bottom of crypt, H0=4. (random seed = 0). Mutated cells are outlined in grey and the cell color indicates level of drag coefficient, η, applied to the cell (function of adhesion complex). Mutant cells in the crypts are mutated at time t=0h, with parameter γ=0.25, for both models

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