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Fig. 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 1

From: 2SigFinder: the combined use of small-scale and large-scale statistical testing for genomic island detection from a single genome

Fig. 1

Performance of the proposed 2SigFinder (2SF), SIGI-HMM (SH), Al-ien_Hunter (AH), Centroid (CE), IslandPath-DIMOB (IPA), INDeGenIUS (IN), SigHunt (SI) and IslandPick (IPI) on the detection of genomic islands in P. aerugino-sa LESB58. a Predicted GIs found by all of the methods, and the known genomic islands are shown as vertical grey bars. b Overall length of the predicted genomic islands, true positives and false positives of all of the evaluated methods at the nucleo-tide level. c Precision, false positive rate (FPR) and F1-score of all of the evaluated methods at the island level, in which the precision, false positive rate and F1-score are calculated based on the number of known GIs that are more than 50% covered by the results of the prediction methods

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