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Table 2 Behavioral measurements of all the participants (N = 60)

From: Distance-based functional criticality in the human brain: intelligence and emotional intelligence


Average ± STD (Min–Max)

Full-scale IQ

122.83 ± 11.05 (97–142)

General ability index

122.71 ± 11.79 (101–146)

Cognitive proficiency index

119.05 ± 10.95 (92–147)

Verbal comprehension index

123.17 ± 9.92 (107–149)

Perceptual reasoning index

116.71 ± 14.11 (84–144)

Working memory index

115.53 ± 11.89 (89–148)

Processing speed index

117.98 ± 12.57 (92–145)

Emotional intelligence

3.96 ± 0.40 (3.12–4.73)

Emotional perception

3.55 ± 0.46 (2.33–4.50)

Self-emotion management

4.12 ± 0.40 (3.25–5)

Others’ emotion management

4.22 ± 0.54 (2.83–5)

Emotion utilization

4.27 ± 0.56 (2.86–5)