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Table 2 Reactome pathway enrichment analysis for Interferon-α and -γ treatments

From: DeltaNeTS+: elucidating the mechanism of drugs and diseases using gene expression and transcriptional regulatory networks

Interferon-α enrichment analysis


GO terms


Reactome pathways


GO terms

Type I interferon signaling pathway

Interferon alpha/beta signaling

Defense response to virus

Negative regulation of viral genome replication

Interferon Signaling_Homo sapiens

Type I interferon signaling pathway

Negative regulation of viral life cycle

Cytokine Signaling in Immune system

Cellular response to type I interferon

Cellular response to type I interferon

Immune System_Homo sapiens

Interferon-gamma-mediated signaling pathway

Regulation of viral genome replication

Antiviral mechanism by IFN-stimulated genes

Response to type I interferon

Reactome pathways

ISG15 antiviral mechanism

Reactome pathways

Interferon signaling

Interferon gamma signaling

Interferon alpha/beta signaling

Interferon alpha/beta signaling

RIG-I/MDA5 mediated induction of IFN-alpha/beta pathways

Interferon gamma signaling


TRAF3-dependent IRF activation pathway

Interferon signaling


Regulation of IFNA signaling


TRAF6 mediated IRF7 activation


Negative regulators of RIG-I/MDA5 signaling


Interferon-γ enrichment analysis


GO terms


GO terms


No enriched term

Antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class II

Interferon-gamma-mediated signaling pathway


Cellular response to interferon-gamma


Antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen

Cytokine-mediated signaling pathway


Reactome pathways


Antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II

Interferon signaling


Interferon gamma signaling


Cellular response to interferon-gamma

Cytokine signaling in immune system


Interferon-gamma-mediated signaling pathway

Immune system


Reactome pathways

Interferon alpha/beta signaling


Interferon signaling

Translocation of ZAP-70 to immunological synapse


Interferon gamma signaling

Phosphorylation of CD3 and TCR zeta chains


MHC class II antigen presentation

PD-1 signaling


Cytokine signaling in immune system

MHC class II antigen presentation


Generation of second messenger molecules