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Fig. 3 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 3

From: Streamlining differential exon and 3′ UTR usage with diffUTR

Fig. 3

Differential UTR analysis on real data. a. 3′ UTR lengthening during neuronal differentiation. Plotted are the UTR bins found statistically significant (bin- and gene-level FDR both < 0.1) by diffUTR (diffSplice2) when comparing in vitro differentiated neurons to mouse embryonic stem cells. The color indicates the point density. The clear skew towards a positive bin-level foldchange, especially for bins with a higher mean count (CPM = counts per million reads sequenced), is indicative of a UTR lengthening. b Receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves of differential UTR usage analysis on the LTP dataset, using 3′ sequencing to establish the ground truth. The axes are square-root-transformed to improve visibility, and only a subset of method variations are shown (see Additional file 1: Figure 1 for all variants)

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