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Fig. 7 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 7

From: Simultaneous learning of individual microRNA-gene interactions and regulatory comodules

Fig. 7

Metrics calculated using Theia, PIMiM, and SNMNMF on TCGA-BRCA data set. Metrics (B–G) are influenced by the total number of comodules discovered (A). The bars depict (A) the total number of comodules discovered by each method, (B) the number of modules with at least two oncomirs, (C) the number of modules enriched in at least one GO BP term, and (D) the number of modules enriched in spatial miRNA clusters, (E) the total number of GO BP terms that were enriched in the modules discovered by the method, (F) the total number of unique GO BP terms, and (G) the total number of oncomirs in the miRNA modules discovered by each method

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