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Fig. 10 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 10

From: Predicting synchronized gene coexpression patterns from fibration symmetries in gene regulatory networks in bacteria

Fig. 10

Fiber Class Examples. We display the six different fiber classes with their genetic circuit and correlation matrix. Genetic circuits: A graphical representation of the genes and their regulators interactions. Edges: Black—Activation, Red—Repression. Nodes: Green and red—Fibers, White—Regulators. Correlation graphs: Correlation between Fiber genes (green and red font) and regulators (black font). Operons are shown with lines along the correlation matrix diagonal. Black lines in the correlation matrix enclose fibers, black dotted lines show cross-correlations between fibers and inside multi-layered fibers. Genes inside fibers are correlated and are not correlated with regulators and different fibers. Note, observed correlations have high p values using ICV method. This happens due to the fact that the displayed fibers are small and, as mentioned before, small fibers are have high p values with method with no filtering. Observed correlations can guide future research in finding missing transcriptional regulations. For example, self-regulation loop on spoIIID could explain the correlation inside multi-layered fiber in bacillus

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