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Fig. 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 4

From: adabmDCA: adaptive Boltzmann machine learning for biological sequences

Fig. 4

Learning of PF13354 out-of-equilibrium. a We show the three overlaps \(q_{ext}\), \(q_{int1}\) and \(q_{int2}\) of the sampled configurations used to estimate the model statistics as a function of the iterations (left axis) and the waiting time Twait between two consecutive samples (right axis). At difference with the learning at equilibrium, Twait is here kept constant during the training and the configurations are correlated as suggested by the differences between the distributions of \(q_{int1}\), \(q_{int2}\) and \(q_{ext}\). b The plot of the quality metrics used to estimate the goodness of the training: in blue we show the Pearson correlation coefficient between the two-site connected frequencies of the natural sequences and of the evolving model as a function of the iterations (blue markers, left axis) and the fitting errors (red, orange and brown markers, right axis) computed as \(\varepsilon _{c}\) for the two-site connected statistics and as \(\varepsilon _{f,s}\) for the one-site and two-site non-connected statistics. c, d We show the projections of the natural sequences and of the re-sampled sequences into the first two principal components of the natural sequences while in e we plot the positive predictive value curve associated with the contact map prediction (shown in f) for the Beta-lactamase2 domain

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