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Fig. 7 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 7

From: Degeneracy measures in biologically plausible random Boolean networks

Fig. 7

Illustration of RBNs under perturbation. A network of X, composed of nodes (light and dark blue circles, n = 10) that are interconnected. Arrows represent the edges for incoming and outgoing. Light blue circles represent randomly chosen perturbation subsets of nodes for k = 2 (a) and k = 7 (b). Perturbation (represented as syringes) of the nodes in boxes with k notation, is injected as a variance (uncorrelated noise). The box with O notation represents output sheet that is also consisted of randomly chosen set of (n/2 = 5) nodes (dark blue circles). For each network, MI is calculated for perturbed set size k and the output sheet O, for all subset sizes of perturbed set noted as j

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