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Fig. 6 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 6

From: EpiVisR: exploratory data analysis and visualization in epigenome-wide association analyses

Fig. 6

Methylation (DNAm) profile plot (a) showing methylation level (y axis) for each individual over a certain genomic range (globalArrayPosition on x axis) with selected CpG in the center (b); value (concentration) of trait under investigation is color coded (c) (red color for low concentration, blue for high concentration); violin plot (d) on the right hand side shows distribution of trait under investigation stratified by sex of individuals. DMR window size can be adjusted using the slider bar showing selected number of CpG up- and downstream of CpG under consideration (e). For better readability, we do not show real distances between CpG. Distances Information on location, annotation, and effect size is given above the methylation profile plot (a)

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