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Fig. 5 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 5

From: DMRscaler: a scale-aware method to identify regions of differential DNA methylation spanning basepair to multi-megabase features

Fig. 5

Differential Methylation Analysis in Weaver (A,B,C) and Sotos Syndrome (D,E,F). A Hilbert curve of CpGs from chr7, outlined is the region corresponding to Chr7:27.1–27.3 Mb, the HOXA cluster. CpGs with FDR < 0.1 are highlighted red. Point size is scaled to maximum significance value. B Chr7:27.1–27.3 Mb. HOXA cluster. GVIZ track stack plot. Top track shows mean β value per group, next track shows Δβ, where Δβ = βControl−βWeaver. Below the gene model track is the DMR track, highlighting the regions called as a DMR at each result layer from DMRscaler and from each competing method. C Chr5:140.1–140.8 Mb over the PCDH clusters. Design same as 4A. D.Chr5:140.1–140.8 Mb over the PCDH clusters. Tracks same as 4B. except that Δβ = βControl−βSotos

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