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Fig. 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 4

From: Boolean implication analysis of single-cell data predicts retinal cell type markers

Fig. 4

Specific examples. Further validation of high confidence photoreceptor genes in bulk, single-cell datasets. A Violin plots of WWC1 expression (putative cone-specific gene from Boolean analysis) in retinal cell types. B, C Violin plots of CASZ1 and PPEF2 expression (putative rod-specific genes from Boolean analysis) in retinal cell types. D Violin plots of AKAP9 expression (incorrect putative cone-specific gene from SRCCA) in retinal cell types. Abbreviations: SA, starburst amacrine cells; HZ, horizontal cells; CBP, cone bipolars; RBP, rod bipolars; BP, bipolars; ET, endothelial cells; SRCCA, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient analysis. Note: P values from t-tests between highlighted cell type and all others

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