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Table 9 Performance on test case 2 (Table 7, case id 22285) The left table shows the performance of the HRL agent, which informs an incorrect disease (Chancroid) after an investigation of 8 turns, and the right table illustrates the performance of the proposed agent (A-SIDS), which diagnoses the patient correctly through a more relevant symptom investigation of only 6 turns

From: Symptoms are known by their companies: towards association guided disease diagnosis assistant



Patient: Hi, I am feeling wrist pain. Can you please assist me ?

Patient: Hi, I am feeling wrist pain. Can you please assist me ?



Agent: Are you also feeling hand or finger pain ?

Agent: Sure, do you feel pregnancy pain ?

Patient: No, I am not feeling Hand or finger pain.

Patient: Yes, I feel pregnancy pain.

Agent: Do you feel lower body pain ?

Agent: Do you have facial pain ?

Patient: I do not have lower body pain.

Patient: Yes, I do have facial pain.

Agent: Ok, are experiencing lower back pain ?

Agent: Ok, are you feeling any eye pain ?

Patient: No, I do not think so.

Patient: No.

Agent: Do you feel pregnancy pain ?

Agent: Have you noticed excessive urination at night ?

Patient: Yes, I am experiencing pregnancy pain frequently.

Patient: I do not feel so.

Agent: Ok, are you feeling excessive urination at night ?

Agent: Do you have shoulder cramps or spasms ?

Patient: I do not think so.

Patient: No.

Agent: Are you experiencing facial pain ?

Agent: Do you feel sharp abdominal pain ?

Patient: Yes, I am feeling facial pain.

Patient Yes, I am suffering from sharp abdominal pain.

Agent: Have you noticed skin lesion ?

Agent : You are most likely to have Gas gangrene based on these symptoms.

Patient: No.


Agent: Are you observing abnormal appearing skin ?


Patient: No, I do not have any skin issue.


Agent: You are most likely to have Chancroid based on these symptoms.

  1. The underline signifies the medical entity which is being inspected