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Table 2 Model comparisons

From: CenFind: a deep-learning pipeline for efficient centriole detection in microscopy datasets


F1-score on test set (mean ± st. dev.)

CenFind (Multiscale U-Net)

0.908 ± 0.043


0.868 ± 0.073

Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)

0.81 ± 0.230

OpenCV's Simple Blob Detector

0.615 ± 0.199


0.586 ± 0.254

  1. Comparison of F1-scores (mean ± standard deviation) obtained on the test set (N = 15 fields of view) using the model of CenFind (Multiscale U-Net), the same model ablated in its multiscale (U-Net), the Laplacian of Gaussians (LoG), the OpenCV Simple Blob Detector, the FociDetector model from (4). Note that FociDetector uses a series of convolutions to highlight regions likely to have centrosomes and multiply them with the input, to compensate for the loss in resolution generated by the convolutions. Overall this results in a relatively high precision (0.852 ± 0.165), but in a substantially lower recall (0.519 ± 0.311)