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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: An XML transfer schema for exchange of genomic and genetic mapping data: implementation as a web service in a Taverna workflow

Figure 2

Taverna Workflow 1. Graphical representation of a workflow using ArkDB web services captured from Taverna Workbench v1.7.0.0. A species name is handed in as a parameter to karyotypeService. The result returned from this web service is a DataSet document conforming to the GenomicMapping Data schema, which can be parsed by the Taverna XMLSplitter, to drill down through Elements in the document structure to retrieve the chromosome names for the input species name parameter. Together with the initial species name each chromosome name in turn is entered as a parameter for iteration over the fetchMapsForChromosome service, which returns a set of DataSet documents each containing the list of available maps for each specified chromosome. The Workflow document is available as additional file 5: demoWorkFlow1.xml, and one of the resulting data documents is available as additional file 2: demo1result1.xml.

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