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Table 2 2LOmb identifies 11 intronic SNPs, which are located in four genes, from the reduced T2D data.

From: Detecting purely epistatic multi-locus interactions by an omnibus permutation test on ensembles of two-locus analyses


Chromosome and Location

Two-SNP Unit in the Ensemble

PGM1 (phosphoglucomutase 1)


(rs2269241, rs3790857)


(rs2269239, rs3790857)


(rs3790857, rs2269238)

LMX1A (LIM homeobox transcription factor 1, alpha)


(rs2348250, rs6702087)

PARK2 (Parkinson disease (autosomal recessive, juvenile) 2, parkin)


(rs1893551, rs6924502)

GYS2 (glycogen synthase 2 (liver))


(rs6487236, rs1871142)


(rs1871142, rs10770836)

  1. Association between these SNPs and the disease is possible (global p-value < 0.0001). Seven two-SNP units are present in the ensemble where each unit contains a pair of SNPs from the same gene.