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Table 4 Three AIR sets used for docking Zif268 with DNA

From: An effective approach for generating a three-Cys2His2 zinc-finger-DNA complex model by docking



Zinc finger 1

Zinc finger 2

Zinc finger 3



R18, S19, D20, E21, R24, I28, H25

R46, D48, H49, H53, T56

H74, S75, D76, E77, K79, R80



G10, T13, T13, G8, G8, G6, G7

G7, C17, G6, G4, C3

G4, C18, A20, G2, C19, G2



R18, R24

R46, D48, H49

R74, R80



G10, G8

G7, C17, G6

G4, G2



S19, I28

D48, T56

D76, R80



T13, G6

C17, C3

A20, G2

  1. (i) The first AIR set was derived on the basis of hydrogen bonds and van der Waals contacts in all residues and bases from the interface of Zif268-DNA X-ray crystal structure. (ii) The second AIR set was derived on the basis of sequence-specific hydrogen bonds between the residues and bases. (iii) Two AIRs for each domain in the third AIR set were derived on the basis of van der Waals or hydrogen bond contacts.