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Figure 6 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 6

From: Nonparametric identification of regulatory interactions from spatial and temporal gene expression data

Figure 6

Comparison of spatial-correlation and NODE models for GT at Stage 5:9-25. A. The spatial correlation model along part of the anterior-posterior (AP) axis. Plotted are the concentrations of GT protein (green line) and eve mRNA (red line) as well as the factor activity of GT in the "spatial-correlation" model (dark blue line), calculated via a joint correlation of all factors with eve mRNA. The vertical dashed lines indicate the boundaries of eve stripe 2. The colored bars above indicate where the factor activity is positive (yellow) or negative (light blue). B. The NODE model along part of the AP axis. Plotted are the concentrations of GT protein (green line) and the change in eve mRNA over time (red line) as well as the factor activity of GT in the NODE model (dark blue line), calculated via a joint correlation of all factors with the change in eve mRNA. The vertical dashed lines indicate the boundaries of eve stripe 2. The regions of the embryo where GT is a type I or II activator or a type I or II repressor are indicated (IA, IIA, IR or IIR), and they are indicated with dotted lines. The colored bars above indicate where the factor activity is positive (yellow) or negative (light blue). C. The portion of the embryo that is plotted in A and B is shown in gray. The ventral region is omitted because otherwise the spatial variation of eve concentration along the dorsal-ventral (DV) axis makes interpretation of one-dimensional plots difficult. The values in the one-dimensional plots of A and B were generated by averaging over the DV axis and is done for strictly for visualization purposes. This averaging is not used in our standard analyses or method.

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