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Figure 5 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 5

From: Construct and Compare Gene Coexpression Networks with DAPfinder and DAPview

Figure 5

A gene-gene association network created in Cytoscape using output from DAPfinder. Nodes with yellow fill identify genes involved in statistically significant DAPs. Nodes with gray fill identify genes that were not involved in any significant differences in gene-gene correlation between ODG and GBM tumors, but consistently correlate with the "yellow" genes in both ODG and GBM. Nodes with red borders indicate that a gene was upregulated in ODG, nodes with green borders represent genes that were downregulated in ODG and nodes with no border did not have any significant differential expression. Orange edges represent positive correlations between two genes in the ODG tumors. Blue edges denote negative correlations between genes in ODG tumors. Gray edges represent strong correlations in the GBM tumors, but no correlation in ODG tumors. Solid edges represent correlations that are consistent in both ODG and GBM tumors, while dashed edges represent statistically significant DAPs where correlations are not consistent among ODG and GBM groups.

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