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Table 4 Comparisons of orthologous clusters subdividing the Pdrp Genolevures family The Pdrp Genolevures family GL30025 as analysed by a) SONS results b) SYNS results c) after manual curation. The comparisons have been performed over the same sets of genes as in figure 3 in [6] for the Pdrp ”sensu stricto” proteins subset of the GL3C0025 family.

From: Identification of conserved gene clusters in multiple genomes based on synteny and homology

SONS orthologous groups

SYNS orthologous groups

Manual curation

S1= {ZYRO0A04114g SAKL0C11616g SAKL0C11704g KLTH0A01914g ERGO0B08140g ERGO0B08162g KLLA0D03432g KLLA0D03476g}

Y1= {ZYRO0A04114g SAKL0C11616g SAKL0C11704g KLTH0A01914g ERGO0B08140g ERGO0B08162g KLLA0D03432g KLLA0D03476g ZYRO0D17710g}

P1 = {ZYRO0A04114g SAKL0C11616g KLTH0A01914g ERGO0B08140g KLLA0D03432g}

S2= {ZYRO0D17710g}


P2 = {ZYRO0D17710g KLLA0D03476g ERGO0B08162g SAKL0C11704g}

S3 = {SAKL0C05654g SAKL0H10670g KLLA0B09702g ZYRO0F08866g ZYRO0F08888g}

Y2= {SAKL0C05654g SAKL0H10670g KLLA0B09702g ZYRO0F08866g ZYRO0F08888g}

P3 = {SAKL0C05654g SAKL0H10670g KLLA0B09702g ZYRO0F08866g ZYRO0F08888g}

S4 = {ZYRO0D11836g ZYRO0D11858g ZYRO0D11880g}

Y3 = {ZYRO0D11836g ZYRO0D11880g ZYRO0D11858g}

P4 = {ZYRO0D11836g ZYRO0D11880g ZYRO0D11858g}

S5 = {SAKL0G08008g KLLA0F21692g}

Y4 = {SAKL0G08008g KLLA0F21692g}

P5 = {SAKL0G08008g KLLA0F21692g}

S6= {ERGO0G05126g}

Y5 = {ERGO 0 G0 5 126g}

P6 = {ERGO0G05126g}

S7= {KLTH0G19448g KLTH0E17138g}

Y6 = {KLTH0G19448g KLTH0E17138g}

P7 = {KLTH0G19448g}