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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: Accelerated maximum likelihood parameter estimation for stochastic biochemical systems

Figure 1

Multilevel splitting applied to CE phase of MCEM2. Using θ ̂ ( 0 ) , we first simulate an ensemble of K trajectories from the initial system state (black circle at t = 0) until time t1 (red traces). The ending states of the ρK trajectories closest to the first observed data point (bold red traces) are sampled with replacement to provide starting states for the next simulation interval. We then simulate a second ensemble of K trajectories starting at time t1 until reaching t2. Here, we select the ρK trajectories spanning the interval [0, t2] that are closest to the first and second data points (black circles at times t1 and t2) and use them to initiate the third simulation ensemble. We repeat this process until reaching t4, at which time we compute the first set of parameter estimates θ ̂ ( 1 ) using the ρK trajectories closest to all data points (full length bold red traces). Using θ ̂ ( 1 ) , we begin the process again at t = 0, producing the green traces. Finally, using θ ̂ ( 2 ) to generate the blue traces, we obtain ρK trajectories coinciding exactly with all data points, which we use to compute θ ̂ CE θ ̂ ( 3 ) .

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