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Table 1 The main output files in each step of the MethyQA pipeline

From: MethyQA: a pipeline for bisulfite-treated methylation sequencing quality assessment

File name

Pipeline step



Step 1

One folder and one zip file that save the output of quality assessment using fastqc.


Step 2

Fastx or cutadapt output (one line per read) if adapter trimming is used.



Step 2

BRAT trimming output (one line per read) if dynamic trimming using BRAT trim is done.


Step 2

Fixed length trimming output (one line per read) if “fixed-length” trimming is used.


Step 3

BRAT alignment output (one line per read).

* _forw.txt

Step 3

BRAT ACGT-count (i.e., methylation ratio) output file (one line per cytosine position).


Step 4

Chromosome level summary table for bisulfite conversion rates.


Step 4

Chromosome level plot for bisulfite conversion rates.


Step 4

Target region level summary table for the mean and median of bisulfite conversion rates.


Step 4

Target region level plot for the mean and median of bisulfite conversion rates.


Step 5

Plots for comparing the DNA sequence structure for regions with high and low bisulfite conversion rates.


Step 5

Target regions with high or low bisulfite conversion rates (*seq files include all basic DNA sequence statistics, and *target files include the summary of nonCGc bisulfite conversion rates).





Step 5

Plots for comparing the DNA sequence structure for regions with high and low sequencing coverage.


Step 5

Target regions with high or low sequencing coverage (*seq files include all basic DNA sequence statistics, and *target files include the summary of nonCGc bisulfite conversion rates).




  1. “*” means the prefix provided by the user while running MethyQA. In some file names, “chrN” means a specific chromosome that the user investigates.