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Table 1 Hierarchical Coordinate (HC) fields

From: openBEB: open biological experiment browser for correlative measurements




Boolean. True if this entity is the coordinate system root.

x, y, z

Cartesian. Internally the coordinates are stored as picometer (pm) values in a signed 64-bit integer. These coordinates are relative to the parent coordinates (i.e., for collections, the parent collection; for datasets, the containing collection).


Multiplication factor for Cartesian coordinates; for better readability, e.g., set the scale to 1000 if nanometer values should be displayed.

dx, dy, dz

Estimated standard error of Cartesian coordinates (in pm).


Time stamp in seconds since 1.1.1904 00:00:00 Universal Time ignoring leap seconds. The time stamp is represented in a 128-bit fixed-point number with a 64-bit radix. The first 64 bits are a signed integer for the seconds, the second 64 bits are unsigned fractions of a second.


Estimated standard error of the time stamp (in fractional seconds).


Description of the coordinate system (string); field to provide additional, ‘human readable’ information.

  1. Fields that are not applicable must be described as NaN (not a number). Error estimates can be provided for every parameter.