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Figure 8 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 8

From: Transcriptional regulation prediction of antiestrogen resistance in breast cancer based on RNA polymerase II binding data

Figure 8

Comparisons of the top five TFs with the maximum and minimum regulatory intensities in MCF7 and OHT cells. The horizontal axis represents different intervals, and the vertical axis represents regression coefficient, which reflects the signal intensities of the regulatory TFs. The top five TFs with the maximum and minimum regulatory intensities were selected from MCF7 and OHT cells, and their average intensities were compared with their regulatory intensity in TSS -500 bp ~ +400 bp region. Over all of the regions compared, regulatory intensities of the top five strongest regulatory TFs were much greater than those of the weakest five TFs. However, in a specific area, such as TSS -500 bp ~ +400 bp interval, regulatory intensity of AP-2gamma, which came from the smaller regulatory intensity groups, was almost as strong as that of MYB in the maximum regulatory intensity group. A similar phenomenon was founded in OHT cells, too.

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