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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: Genome-wide prediction of transcriptional regulatory elements of human promoters using gene expression and promoter analysis data

Figure 2

Patterns of correlation between the fold-change values and Z-scores of TFBSs over multiple data sets for IL8 and PCNA. a. Correlation between the fold-change values for IL8 and Z-scores of V$NFKAPPAB65_01 over 127 microarray data sets. b. Correlation between the fold-change values for PCNA and Z-scores of V$E2F_01. c. Correlation between the fold-change values for IL8 and Z-scores of V$E2F_01. d. Correlation between the fold-change values for IL8 and Z-scores of V$E2F_01. The Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to calculate the degree of correlation between the two arrays and the t-test was used to evaluate the significance of the correlation (see Methods).

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