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Table 2 Templates and sample instantiations from the TREC 2005 genomics track.

From: PageRank without hyperlinks: Reranking with PubMed related article networks for biomedical text retrieval


Information describing standard [methods or protocols] for doing some sort of experiment or procedure.


methods or protocols: fluorogenic 5'-nuclease assay


Information describing the role(s) of a [gene] involved in a [disease].


gene: Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1)


disease: Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA)


Information describing the role of a [gene] in a specific [biological process].


gene: APC (adenomatous polyposis coli)


biological process: actin assembly


Information describing interactions between two or more [genes] in the [function of an organ] or in a [disease].


genes: alpha7 nicotinic receptor and ApoE


function of an organ: neurotoxic effects of ethanol


Information describing one or more [mutations] of a given [gene] and its [biological impact or role].


gene with mutation: alpha7 nAChR


biological impact: alcoholism