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Fig. 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 4

From: Improving protein complex prediction by reconstructing a high-confidence protein-protein interaction network of Escherichia coli from different physical interaction data sources

Fig. 4

Predictions based on highly interacting modules. a, b Flagella signaling example. Predictions based on highly interacting modules. Module 30 consist of four chemotaxis signaling complexes: ribose/galactose/glucose sensing, dipeptide sensing, serine sensing, aspartate sensing. CheY, CheZ, CheR, CheB also interacts with either these complexes or CheA which is in the core of these complexes. c Pilus assembly example. In Module 324: FimC, FimD, FimG, and FimH are part of recently characterized Pilus assembly complex [30]

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