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Table 1 Researchers interviewed

From: A taxonomy of visualization tasks for the analysis of biological pathway data

Title: Distinguished Professor

Domain: Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

Studies: Mechanisms of cell survival, cell cycle control, metabolism, and genesis of cancer

Title: Assistant Professor

Domain: Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

Studies: Proteomics, epigenetic maintenance of adult heart function

Title: Assistant Professor

Domain: Computational and Systems Biology

Studies: Cancer cell death

Title: Assistant Professor

Domain: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

Studies: Evolution, genetic network topology, population genomics

Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate

Domain: Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

Studies: High-throughput gene expression analysis

Title: Researcher

Domain: Molecular Oncology

Studies: Cancer research

Title: Master’s Student

Domain: Bioinformatics