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Table 5 Mini projects designed for EANBiT-RT

From: Designing and delivering bioinformatics project-based learning in East Africa


Mini project topic


NextFlow pipeline for ONT long read meta-transcriptomic data analysis

Stingless Bees Metabarcoding

ONT Whole Genome Assembly—E. Coli

Sea turtle immunogenetics

Antelope phylogenetics

Chelonid Alphaherpervirus 5 phylogeny


Whole Genome Assembly and Annotation of SARS-CoV2

Machine Learning for Genomics

ONT Metatranscriptomics Mini project


Reproducing a Machine Learning paper

Reproduce published ONT pipeline

Genomic Characterization of E-coli Isolates from Rural Drinking Water Systems

Interrogating Public Data Sets and Paths to Results on Covid19 in East Africa

Origin of antimicrobial resistance E-Coli isolates in a pastoralist community using whole genome sequence data

Develop: RNA-Seq data processing and gene expression analysis workflow

Variant call from NGS data of two accessions of Lablab purpureus


Microbiome of Seagrass species on the Kenyan coast

Microbiome Metagenomics Analysis of Kilifi Creek Mangrove Sediments

Reproduce: Metagenomic analysis of viruses associated with maize lethal necrosis in Kenya

Develop a variant call-to-action workflow pipeline

Whole Genome Assembly, Annotation, and Phylogenetic Analysis of Rice Fungus