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Fig. 3 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 3

From: Cell4D: a general purpose spatial stochastic simulator for cellular pathways

Fig. 3

Modeling CEACAM1 signaling. A Schematic of reactions used in the model. CEACAM1 dimers are transported between the membrane and cytosol compartments. Within the membrane, CEACAM1 dimers disassociate to monomers based on interactions with activated calmodulin. Src-family kinases (Lck) phosphorylate the ITIM regions of the CEACAM1 cytoplasmic tail, preventing its transport back to the cytosol and shifting the equilibrium of CEACAM1 localization to the membrane. The membrane region can be defined into lipid-ordered (lipid rafts) and lipid-disordered regions. CEACAM1 preferentially associates with these regions based on its oligomeric state, as shown by the solid and dashed orange arrows between the two membrane regions that indicate transport. The end state of the activated T cell consists of the clustering of CEACAM1 monomers within lipid rafts. B Representation of a 2D membrane compartment with lipid raft sub-compartments. CEACAM1 dimers (green) are generally localized outside of lipid raft regions (indicated in dark yellow), while CEACAM1 monomers (blue) preferentially localize within lipid raft compartments. C The lipid raft CEACAM1 model was tested using 0, 10, 20 molecules of Lck and 0, 2, 5, 10, 20 molecules of active calmodulin to examine the effects of both proteins on CEACAM1 surface expression. Error bars represent standard deviation for 6 replicates. Results show that CEACAM1 surface concentration is dependent on the concentration of activated calmodulin, but not Lck. D Impact of trans-binding rate constants (i.e. unbound monomer to trans-bound (immobilized) monomer) on CEACAM clustering. Simulations were performed for both the lipid raft model (left) and the no-raft model (right). The binding rate constant shows a positive correlation with the total count of trans-bound (clustered) CEACAM1 monomers. For low binding constant conditions in the presence of Lck and CaM in the no-raft model, there appears to be a threshold effect where the rate of cluster formation is slow in the beginning of the simulation, but accelerates after a certain point. For the no-raft Lck-absent models, low calmodulin levels did not lead to a significant clustered CEACAM1 population, while high calmodulin only produced an increased surface CEACAM1 concentration at the highest binding rate constant

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