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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: Identifying set-wise differential co-expression in gene expression microarray data

Figure 1

Overview of the dCoxS algorithm. Gene expression profiles of two gene sets are on the upper panel. In condition A, expression profiles of gene sets 1 and 2 are very similar. The similarity is reduced in condition B, and co-varies in a reverse way in condition C. The dCoxS quantifies the similarities and tests the significance of the change in the similarities across conditions. First, the sample-wise Renyi relative entropy matrix is obtained for each gene set. Then, the correlation coefficient of the upper-diagonal elements of the matrices, which represents the IS, is calculated for each condition. Diagonal heat maps in the middle represent the upper-diagonal elements of the sample-wise Renyi relative entropy matrices. The heat maps are transformed to the scatter plots in the lower part, and the fitted lines of the plots represent the ISs.

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