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Archived Comments for: Effects of sample size on robustness and prediction accuracy of a prognostic gene signature

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  1. Corrections of the Table 1

    Seon-Young Kim, KRIBB

    14 October 2009

    Dear readers,

    After the publication of the paper, I found that there are five errors in Table 1.

    Corrections are

    GSE2603 99 57 42 DMFS [14]
    GSE3494 251 213 34 DMFS [15]
    GSE6532 327 262 45 DMFS [16, 17]
    GSE11121 200 200 0 RFS [20]
    E-TABM-158 130 84 46 DMFS [21]

    In my opinion, the errors have no effects on results and conclusions of the paper as those are errors during the description of the datasets used in the paper.

    However, I am very sorry for any inconveniences caused by the errors.


    Seon-Young Kim

    Competing interests

