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Table 2 Fast Edge and Node Betweenness Based Layout Algorithm

From: BFL: a node and edge betweenness based fast layout algorithm for large scale networks

1: procedure LAYOUT

2:    Deque vQ

3:    Set v. coordinate ← (0, 0)

4:    Push vS

5:    while Q is not empty do

6:       Deque vQ

7:       if S contains a v' connected to v then

8:          PlaceNode(v,v')

9:       else

10:          for all Neighbors n of v do

11:             Put (n, v) → H

12:          end for

13:       end if

14:    end while

15: end procedure

16: procedure PLACENODE(v, v')

17:    Set v. coordinate ← Coordinate generated by a Gaussian centered at v'. coordinate with variance c1N odeBC [v]2

18:    Anneal(v,threshold)

19:    Push vS

20:    Get nodes ← values in H with key v Get orphans which can now be placed

21:    for all node in nodes do

22:       PlaceNode(node,v)

23:    end for

24: end procedure

  1. Table above shows the type and usage of each global variable as well as parameters