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Figure 7 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 7

From: Threshold selection in gene co-expression networks using spectral graph theory techniques

Figure 7

Paraclique decomposition. The large paraclique on the left, identified at the 0.65 one percent threshold, contained 154 gene transcripts. 150 of these were contained in the core clique C 1. Sixteen paracliques were found at the 0.83 spectral threshold with an intersection with this large paraclique of at least one transcript. The largest of these, labeled C and D, were of size 54 and 42, respectively. All 54 genes in paraclique C were contained in the paraclique on the left, while the intersection with D was of size 35. Edges may exist between members of the different paracliques, but are not shown for readability. Dotted lines indicate that not all connections are present between a gene and the core clique, since the paraclique requires all but one possible connection between a gene and the core maximal clique.

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