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Table 1 Basic characteristics of simulated BAC-libraries

From: LTC: a novel algorithm to improve the efficiency of contig assembly for physical mapping in complex genomes


Lib RiceChr1

Lib MaizeChr1

Sequence length

45,064,769 bp

300,239,041 bp


12,570/3,585.1 bp

110,910/2,707.1 bp

NBandEnds (LBandReal)

179,050 (251.7 bp)

1,392,692 (215.6 bp)





133.3 kbp/138.1 kbp

132.0 kbp/134.5 kbp

L BandObs

1,225.9 bp

1,042.4. bp







NCh = Nch2 + Nch3 + Nch4

202 = 198 + 4 + 0

1,016 = 999 + 16 + 1

  1. Here NBinEnds is the number of restriction sites corresponding to enzyme HindIII chosen for clone-end simulation; LBin is the mean length of bin equal to distance between restriction sites corresponding to enzyme HindIII; NBandEnds is the number of restriction sites corresponding to the enzymes BamHI, EcoRI, XbaI, XhoI and HaeIII used for fingerprinting; LBandReal is the mean distance between restriction sites corresponding to these enzyme; nMean is the mean number of bands (with length from 50 to 500 and colored end) per clone; nMeanObs is the mean observed number of bands (bands with different end-colors are taken twice, but among bands with the same color and length only one delegate is observed). LCloneObs and LClone are mean lengths of clones (with and without chimerical clones respectively); LBandObs is the mean length of bands with length from 50 to 500 bp; LBandMap is the mean length of bands used for band map length calculation (equal to LCloneObs/nMeanObs); NClonesSimul is the number of simulated clones; NClones is the number of simulated clones with observed number of bands from 50 to 250; Nch2, Nch3, and Nch4 are resulted numbers of chimerical clones with number of bands from 50 to 250 and composed by union of 2, 3 and 4 parts, respectively.