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Table 18 R-code for overlapAny matching with extension 3: link gene to each matched DNA copy number feature seperately

From: Matching of array CGH and gene expression microarray features for the purpose of integrative genomic analyses

# match

> matchedIDs < − matchAnn2Ann(fData(CNdata)[,1], fData(CNdata)[,2],

fData(CNdata)[,3], fData(GEdata)[,1],

fData(GEdata)[,2], fData(GEdata)[,3],

method = “overlap”)

> # expand > matchedIDs < − expandMatching2singleIDs(matchedIDs)

> # extract ids for object subsetting

> matchedIDsGE < − lapply(matchedIDs, function(Z){ return(Z[, -2, drop=FALSE]) })

> matchedIDsCN < − lapply(matchedIDs, function(Z){ return(Z[, -1, drop=FALSE]) })

> # generate matched objects

> GEdata < − ExpressionSet2weightedSubset(GEdata, matchedIDsGE, 1, 2, 3)

> CNdata < − cghCall2maximumSubset(CNdata, matchedIDsCN, 1, 2, 3)