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Table 1 Variables and constants used in LP formulations

From: Optimal precursor ion selection for LC-MALDI MS/MS

Variable name


x j,s

Indicator variable, 1 if feature j is selected in spectrum s,


0 otherwise

x j

Indicator variable, 1 if feature j is part of the solution,


0 otherwise

int j,s

Normalized signal intensity of feature j in spectrum s

cap s

Maximal number of MS/MS precursors in spectrum s

D i

Detectability of protein i

y i

-log(1-D i ), higher values reflect a better protein detectability

d k

Detectability of peptide k

a i,k

Indicator variable, 1 if peptide k is part of protein i,


0 otherwise


RT window size

t p

Predicted RT


maximal number of elements in inclusion list

p k

Probability that peptide k was identified correctly

P i

Probability that protein i was identified correctly



b i

Indicator variable, 1 if the protein probability of protein i is at least c, 0 otherwise


Minimal protein probability to declare a protein identified

z i

z i  = 1 if P i  ≥ c, otherwise z i  ∈ [0, 1)

M k

Set of features having an m/z within a specified ppm range around the theoretical m/z of peptide k

m k,j

Matching probability of feature j with peptide k


Number of already fragmented precursors


Number of selected precursors in each iteration