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Figure 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 4

From: inPHAP: Interactive visualization of genotype and phased haplotype data

Figure 4

inPHAP phased haplotype view for the 100-kb region on chromosome 2 spanning the genes ALMS1 , NAT8 and ALMS1P , after filtering of only those variants with a frequency > 0 .5% across the 1096 human individuals of Phase 1 of the 1000 Genomes Project. SNVs that differ from the reference base are colored yellow, while alleles equal to the reference are colored blue. A: Individuals are sorted according to their affiliation with a common population. B: Shows the same visualization as in A, but individuals are aggregated based on their population affiliation, using “maximum” as aggregation method. For abbreviations of the population names see Figure 2.

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