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Figure 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 4

From: Identification of pathogen genomic variants through an integrated pipeline

Figure 4

SNV filtering diagram for the Evo Samples. A. Read pileup of a region from EvoR1a2 including miscalled nucleotides within a read (1), misaligned reads (2 and 3), and false SNV calls due to a homopolymer run followed by a repetitive region. This region is an example of the false positive that the Platypus seeks to eliminate. B. Read pileup of a region from EvoR1a2 including a true SNV (4) but still including a number of misaligned reads (5). The Platypus seeks to extract these true positive SNVs from their surroundings. C. Shows the number of raw SNV calls (blue) and the total number after filtration (red) and the subset of nonsynonymous SNVs (green) that may cause a change in the drug efficacy profile. Scale is logarithmic – the Platypus produces a 103-104x reduction in SNV calls.

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