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Table 10 The HI rules learnt to identify 1MPP are shown in English translation.

From: Homology Induction: the use of machine learning to improve sequence similarity searches

PDB 1MPP Pepsin (Renin).



A protein is homologous if


it has the classification 'eukaryota' and


it has the PROSITE pattern 'PS00141'.



A protein is homologous if


it has it has a level 10 serine-serine pair content and


it has it has a level 10 glycine-serine pair content and


it has in the 8th decile of predicted β-strands a strand of length level 9




it has a molecular weight of level 7 and


it has in the 9th decile of predicted coils a coil of length level 1




it has it has a level 2 histidine content and


it has in the 7th decile of predicted secondary structures a β-strand of lengthlevel 5 and


it has in the 7th decile of predicted secondary structures a coil of lengthlevel 5 and


it has in the 4th decile of predicted secondary structures a β-strand of length level 6.