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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: Importing statistical measures into Artemis enhances gene identification in the Leishmania genome project

Figure 1

This panel of ARTEMIS shows the comparison of four different methods used at SBRI for sequence annotation: a) CODON USAGE b) GENESCAN c) TESTCODE and d) GLIMMER. The CODON USAGE panel shows results for the three reading frames (shown by different colors) of the top strand; those from the bottom strand are not shown. The panel immediately following the TESTCODE panel displays the position of all stop codons (with vertical lines) in all six reading frames. The vertical scales in the top three panels refer to the value of the statistic calculated by the corresponding algorithm. The predictions of GLIMMER appear as blue boxes in this panel. The horizontal scale in the center of this panel indicates the nucleotide coordinates of the sequence for this and the three upper panels (and is adjustable on the right hand scroll bar). The bottom panel displays the translated amino acids in six different reading frames. The horizontal scale refers to the nucleotide coordinates for the sequence within this panel.

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