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Table 1 Results of the simulations: Percentage of quartets in which significant windows were found and C(k) 12 values (average ± s.e.m.) for those windows. The values of μ refer to the rate applied to the region shown in Figure 1 (amino acids 76 – 125 in the simulated proteins), while the other regions of the sequences (amino acids 1 – 75 and 126 – 200) were kept evolving at a basal rate μ = 0.5. α is the shape parameter of the gamma distribution. The percentage of significant simulations was compared between the controls and the quartets with increased rates using the chi-square test. The average C(k) 12 values were compared using the t test. In bold, significant results. p values are detailed

From: UVPAR: fast detection of functional shifts in duplicate genes


α = 0.2

α = 0.7

α = 1.5

α = 3

μ = 0.5

(control, no increase)


0.881 ± 0.146


0.664 ± 0.208


0.715 ± 0.238


0.831 ± 0.226

μ = 1

(2× increase)


0.613 ± 0.306


0.583 ± 0.218


0.914 ± 0.124


0.909 ± 0.102

μ = 2.5

(5× increase)


0.814 ± 0.133

13% (p = 0.012)

0.998 ± 0.070 (p = 0.037)

12% (p = 0.008)

0.808 ± 0.075

14% (p = 0.007)

1.010 ± 0.096

μ = 5

(10× increase)

10% (p = 0.020)

1.048 ± 0.220

35% (p < 0.001)

1.188 ± 0.045

(p = 0.002)

55% (p < 0.001)

1.328 ± 0.114

(p = 0.001)

51% (p < 0.001)

1.374 ± 0.049

(p = 0.006)