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Table 3 Transformed equations for independent domains. Transformed model equations for a scaffold protein with independent binding domains. The levels of occupancy (z1 to z3) do not depend on the states z4 to z7.

From: A domain-oriented approach to the reduction of combinatorial complexity in signal transduction networks

ż0 = 0     (53a)

ż1 = k1 (z0 - z1) E1 - k-1z1     (53b)

ż2 = k2 (z0 - z2) E2 - k-2z2     (53c)

ż3 = k3 (z0 - z3) E3 - k-3z3     (53d)

ż4 = k1 (z2 - z4) E1 - k-1z4 + k2 (z1 - z4) E2 - k-2z4     (53e)

ż5 = k1 (z3 - z5) E1 - k-1z5 + k3 (z1 - z5) E3 - k-3z5     (53f)

ż6 = k2 (z3 - z6) E2 - k-2z6 + k3 (z2 - z6) E3 - k-3z6     (53g)

ż7 = k1 (z6 - z7) E1 - k-1z7 + k2 (z5 - z7) E2 - k-2z7 + k3 (z4 - z7) E3 - k-3z7.     (53h)