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Figure 5 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 5

From: Spectral embedding finds meaningful (relevant) structure in image and microarray data

Figure 5

Two-dimensional projections of the Affymetrix primary fibroblast cell lines, using six DR methods. For each plot, red 'x' symbols denote samples from bonobo (Pan paniscus), blue 'o' symbols denote samples from gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), and black '*' symbols denote samples from human (Homo sapien). (a) Two-dimensional projection calculated with PCA-correlation. (b) Two-dimensional projection calculated with PCA-covariance. (c) Two-dimensional projection calculated with nonmetric MDS. (d) Two-dimensional projection calculated with kernel PCA. Epsilon parameter was selected at optimal classification using QDA (ε = 67,000). (e) Two-dimensional projection calculated with the spectral method from Ng et al. Epsilon parameter was selected at optimal classification using QDA (ε = 20,000). (f) Two-dimensional projection calculated with the spectral method from Lafon.

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